Monday, September 6, 2010

Deer Island Dawn Patrol

And just to completely throw you off on this series of posts, I'll throw in a Saturday after Sunday and Friday.

No pictures this post.

I went paddling with Stan Wiles (XO of the Base) on Saturday morning.

We put in at Biloxi Harbor and went out to the Eastern tip of Deer Island (on the Southern shore).

As soon as the sun came out, a North wind filled in and the rest of the paddle became a pain in the @ss.

9.33 miles on this run.

Stan was in a German expeditionary kayak - the thing looked like a tank on the water (think 'Monitor'). I had the Naish 14' - good paddle! Although it wasn't a dawn patrol as I remembered them (Pupukea Beach, 10' faces, Cholo's Omelettes for breakfast and strolling around the surf shops afterwards to checkout the boards - ahhh life in Hawaii...), you still have to appreciate where you are!

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