Monday, October 1, 2012

Annapolis EOM Swap Meet

We got up early yesterday and loaded up the truck with the boards/stuff we didn't need and made a run at selling them at the East of Maui Windsurf/Surf Swap Meet. La loves yard sales and true to form she had fun at this one too. We sold four boards and a bunch of equipment everything but one windsurfer - this made a huge dent in displacing the cost of the Big Tuna Kayak we bought about a month ago and opened up the space for the kayak. La actually got reminiscent when some of the boards were sold - parts of our lives together leaving our grasp - enough mushy talk. Funny how the finite space in a garage can drive your weekend activities - not the fun part necessarily, but the reorganizing, the procurement and selling of equipment. I have literally spent the entire last four weekends either organizing the equipment in the garage, sorting through what boards to keep and what goes on the culling block, driving interstate to buy and sell stuff and going back home to rearrange again. I think we are very close to steady state now. With all that action going on, we did find a couple of hours to go fishing yesterday - on the kayak. We caught two - only two. A front was moving in fast and I think the barometric change had something to do with the activity level. All in all a great fun day!!!

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