Sunday, May 26, 2013

First Gyotaku Framed Up (completely finished)

So with all the gyotaku I've made, I haven't gotten one framed and done. Until now... I took the big Ulua/Giant Trevally/Talikitok print to Michaels to get it framed and the estimate was gut wrenching - that was back last summer. I recently found a place to take some framing lessons and over the past couple of weekends, I have been working to get a few of these gyotaku buttoned up and hung on the wall. I was on track to get two done yesterday - the darts and the half-eaten barracuda (yes you saw it here first - a half eaten gyotaku) - but I am still going through the learning curve. I did manage to get this one finished and on the wall. Not bad if I say so myself. I should get the big one done next Saturday - that's the one I am looking forward to.

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