Monday, June 20, 2016

Hawaii Public Library Book Sale

On Saturday, among other errands, we stopped off at the Hawaii State Public Library Book Sale. Walking through all those books felt like going through a time warp back to the mid 80's. Those were the same aquarium books I used to borrow while I was in High School. I did find a cool series of Jacques Cousteau - but flipping through the pages felt like reading a super-out-of-date textbook from elementary school (I passed on the series - in a different place I would have scarfed them up, but with limited space and having purged multiple times, I am much wiser now. WISER - NOT SMART ;) I did find one gem that I took home... this book felt less like elementary school in the days before Al Gore conceived of the internet, and more like a prop straight from Wes Anderson's "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou". And best of all - it was in great condition and only $2 They also has some cool art (that if money were no object, I would have taken home). Check out your neck of the woods for a Library Purge - for sure there will be some treasure buried in the boxes :)

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