Sunday, May 29, 2016
Chee Ohhhhh!!!! Hanapaa!!!
Oh yeah!!! I was catching today - I'll let the pictures do the talking ;)
I ended up with five papio, two wrasse, a huge sergeant major, one goatfish and a hawkfish - super fun day (all of the fish were C&R - so they had fun too).
Oh - and Charlie caught a Popeye'd Ghost Crab
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Slowly Getting Back into the Swing...
Through different means, I have slowly been getting back into fishing. There was the obvious, last weekend when I took Marlon out - but here are a couple more.
I had a business lunch recently and instead of talking golf, the customer and I got to talk fishing and the bane of all lures - the kaku (barracuda). I said I'd dress up a couple of kastmasters with a bite tippet. Well - here they are...
Then La came home from volunteering at Laniakea Beach to keep the general public and tourists back away from the green turtles sunning on the beach - and at some point looked down and found these flies -
Heck yeah I'll fish those!
And then today I actually got off my butt and picked up the flyrod again!
I did have eyes on about five oio, but they were never lined up (but that's pretty much what flyfishing is all about ain't it...)
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Random Shots From the Weekend
Marlon's First Catch in Hawaii
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Checking Out More Farmer's Markets and KCC
We checked out the KCC (Kapiolani Community College) Farmer's Market this past Saturday. We were targeting "Pang's Nursery" but they were there the previous weekend (but we got to meet the Olomana Farmers owner Ken). This place must be on some Japanese Guide to Oahu, because 4 out of 5 people walking the pop up tents were tourists. Definitely good for the local vendors and great for new food creations to be experienced (but it was crowded).
Marlon tried these Ahi Sliders - served on tempura kale chips. Ono yummy!!!
There was a time where signs like this would fire up my "challenge" spirit. Now my "you'll be in pain and suffer for hours if you take that 'challenge'" sense kicks in. Cool sign nonetheless...
Live Kona Abalone anyone??? These are grown locally on the Big Island with cold, deep seawater (I highly endorse!!! - check out my LinkedIn profile as to why).
We also came on this day to check out the Cacti and Succulent Garden at KCC. Tons of plants they had made me think twice about some of the succulents that currently sit in pots at our house (given unfettered space and resources - some Euphorbias turn into giants). Noe saw some Aedium (Desert Roses) that had huge caudex (trunks).
Lots of plants you normally wouldn't see (lots of things you don't see all the time)