Tuesday, January 29, 2019

FInishing Off This Repair Project

So yesterday I sanded the repair area down - primarily taking off the primer that was not needed.

Today I masked the board (and the garage)

And applied a couple of coats of almost matching blue spray paint.

Here is the board post spray paint application - the unpainted section is where the nose bumper will be applied (so this whole incident won't be repeated with an accidental mast strike).  I'll also put on a coat of urethane to protect the paint from scuffs.

I should have this done tomorrow afternoon.  Thank goodness (and now to get it wet again).

Sunday, January 27, 2019


The kids have been asking to go shelling at Shellandria.  We spent the better part of two hours beachcombing this spot.

The tide was supposed to be low, but it ended up being pretty full.  That prevented us from getting into the lower nooks and crannies.

Noe has been after the really red shells - not sure if there are any in these pictures but that's what we were doing - 

I'm going to have to remember to go here only when it is a full or new moon.  We had lots of fun regardless!  Next post will be same topic, but from Marlon's camera.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Repair is Ready for Paint and Finish Work

I sanded the excess epoxy off yesterday afternoon.  I'll tape of the parts of the nose and then add a coat of spray paint, then stick on the nose guard and wait for the wind or swell to pick up.  Pre sanding pictures -

Post sanding

I test fitted the high density nose guard - it'll look good on this board.  Now to get some dark blue paint...

Monday, January 21, 2019

Mast Strike Ding Repair

I figured it was time to patch up the mast strike ding.  After two and a half weeks of drying out, the board felt as light as the day I got it.  I ended up putting a 4oz patch on the nose followed by 4 3.7oz carbon fiber patches, and then two larger sheets of 4oz cloth to cover the whole nose area.  I ended up using 4.2oz of epoxy (figuring some of it ends up on the roller so I'm probably closer to 2.5oz on the board) and another 1.4oz of epoxy mixed with some cabosil to fill in the lap gaps.

This repair should make the nose a lot stronger than the original setup.

Tomorrow I'll sand the transitions down and prep the repair for a coat of paint.  This being Monday, the epoxy should be fully cured and ready to go by the weekend.

Monday Dawn Patrol - 1/21/2019

Mrlon and I headed out this morning - the swell that has been hitting the south side was still present.  And what a present it was!  Super fun waves that kept rolling in - plenty of waves for everyone!  This set was from a single wave - awesome turns up and down the face...

I had a great time out - super light winds and continuous waves - I couldn't really ask for more... I love living here and getting to surf this break!

And my GoPro was operating perfectly - obeyed voice commands without a hitch.  I need to stick one of these on Marlon's board next time.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

First Fishing Trip of 2019

Marlon has been asking to go fishing again - so on Saturday afternoon while Noe was on a Laser racing, I figured I could take him to the flats.

Marlon had a bunch of follows but no takers.  I ended up with a nice papio (which I let go since it was the first fish of the year - and really these fish could use all the help they can get with all the pressures they have on them) and a nice kaku

Nice start to the fishing year!

Jan 19 Dawn Patrol

Marlon and I went on a dawn patrol yesterday despite the forecasted weak swell conditions.

The waves got to about waist high - I stuck on the inside and got plenty of rides - all an exercise in milking small wave energy.

Still - it was a fun morning!


Trying to pull more water out.

I think I got most of it.  I'll start the repair today.

Monday, January 14, 2019

OCD Kicking in...

Need to fix the reef 'kisses'...

If I didn't suffer from OCD, I could let the scuffs go and life would be simple - well, life ain't that simple and I've got some foils to fix.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sunday Dawn Patrol - 1/13/19

I got back Saturday afternoon - had a bunch of stuff to get done for work, so I did not get to go surfing, but I did notice the surf was breaking on the south shores as the plane was landing.  Marlon and I did go this morning and it was awesome!

Shoulder high sets and pretty consistent.  

Felt like summer time (minus the heat).  This swell is apparently a westerly wrap from the big surf hitting the North Shore right now.  I'll take whatever surf hits and enjoy every bit of it!