Thursday, March 12, 2009

Seabee Divers Association - 35th Anniversary of the UCTs

HOO-YAH 35 Years of Underwater Construction Technicians!!!

The Seabee Divers Association is holding a 35th Anniversary (of the commissioning of the Underwater Construction Teams).

Dates are starting to settle in - June 26/27/28.

Some activities will be held at UCT2, others at other restaurants/venues around the local area.

The group planning the event asked me for help in getting a commemorative coin designed/made (I re-did the UCT2 command coin recently). I unveiled the idea I had for a tattoo - the picture is a really rough sketch, but if it would make a good tattoo, it would certainly make an awesome coin.


  1. I like the one with the shapes with question marks in them. That should be the 'head' side of the coin.

  2. Victor:

    I would love to have you submit pictures of your reunion to be uploaded to the Reunion Gallery at:

    The site has primarily been an RVN Seabee photo site but recently expanded to include Pre and Post-RVN Seabee Info


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