Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bull Carp!!!!!

So much for TS/TD Bonnie - the graphs says it all.

I went out with Roger today on the F28 expecting a wild ride. The wind DID NOT deliver.

It was still a great sail - got 8.8 kts out of the wind today and made a straight run out and then back from Ship Island (it's always nice sailing when you don't need to do tack after tack to get to where you want to go).

I packed tons of windsurfing gear in anticipation and WHAM - no wind.

Man I've turned into a cranky whiner...

That's what happens to surf/wind junkies when you don't get any (wind or surf).

Oh by the way, there was some oil on Ship Island, but no sheen at all on the transit out and back. The dispersant certainly did something to prevent buoyant surfacing or the SW winds we usually get are pushing the oil further East (Pensacola on).

Well - there's always tomorrow....

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