Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Subtle Differences in a Grim End

I took a visitor out on a Mako to go fishing a couple of days ago. He brought this guy up, but not quick enough.

Shark got the back half. There is always something bigger....

I took two prints - one for the visitor (top one), one for me (lower).

The raw print went on to be the lower print.

These are the first gyotaku that I've done since I went through that class in Hawaii.

I think it made a difference and with the time I have left, it can only get better (thanks again Ron)!

I am still working on the gyotaku of the one I brought up (also a barracuda, decent sized, but not the giant I hooked into a few weeks back).

1 comment:

  1. so cool....

    now that your are perfecting your creative side, perhaps we no longer need to spend big $$$ on large art - frames....

    the kids and I will make a large underwater mural, and you take care of the fish (gyotaku) fish paintings :)


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