Tuesday, February 12, 2013
TPFR Beer Tie
We went to check out the Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders Monthly Beer Tie event last night. They just moved the venue to Whitlow's on Wilson in downtown Arlington, VA. This was just a reconnaissance trip - I didn't bring my vise or tying materials. We did eat (thanks La for your patience - I do owe you - I enjoyed the burger!) and I saw a few faces I recognize from the area fly shops. Google these guys and try to make one of the Beer Ties if you're in the DMV area. Whitlow's is a hop skip and a jump away from the Clarendon Metro stop on the Orange line (which will make it easier for me to get to the Beer Ties once the Silver line opens later this year).
Not having to cook dinner was worth the experience and time....even though it was a school night :)