Friday, May 9, 2014

Ah the Weekend!!! Here at Last!!!

I got home, followed by Marlon and Noe and we all went to the kids Tae Kwon Do session early (so we could get back and go fishing at the lake). Well - when we got back, the kids were pooped and decided to sit this session out. So off I went, heading straight for the dam and the crappie hole from yesterday. The sun was not out as bright as it had been yesterday. And the wind had changed direction leaving this stretch of water fairly calm. Well something had changed because the fish were not as eager to take the black nymph fly. I did get several crappie, a decent bass and a couple of bluegills - but they were spread out in time duration to catch and across the lake more. I used the Barclay Glass 3wt lined with a RIO Perception WF3 line. A bit more reach than the Scott F2 6533 I used yesterday - nothing but pure sweet casting goodness!


  1. Looks like it was an awesome putting Vic. Still early enough in the season for the heat to be bearable. ;-)

  2. Josh - As you know, heat being bearable is a state of mind. If it doesn't kill you (instantly), it makes you stronger!

    Kidding aside, without surf, fishing has been my main stress reliever - even as far back as DG. I just made my first flyrod and I've been tying most of my own flies for three years. I'm beginning to wonder that if we move to a surf-laden place next, would I pass up a good surf session to catch fish... Fishing has become the obsession of my second 40 years.


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