Saturday, December 29, 2018

5th Time Windsurf Wave Foiling the Hypernut

I went foiling this afternoon.  This morning the weather looking like it might not clear up - with lingering clouds and even some residual rain, I wasn't sure the wind would pick up but it did.  It turned out to be really nice!

It doesn't look like it, but the wind was blowing a steady 15 mph with gusts into the low 20s.  I setup the foil in the rearmost position today to see what the differences would be.  The obvious difference was that foil would lift later, but the surprise was I would end up in porpoising situations more often than previous sessions - porpoised probably 5 times, twice I got thrown forward of the board.  The wind did almost die twice, but even those times are fun (slogging training).  

Tonight I'm researching "how not to porpoise your foil".  Can't wait for tomorrow!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Evening Longboard Session - 12/27/2018

I came home from work and grocery shopping - grabbed Marlon and the longboards and headed out for an evening surf.  I have had this fin sitting in the box of the TJ Everyday for a while now - but haven't gotten it wet because I've been spending most of my water time trying to learn foiling.  Well that changed today.

The waves were small - knee to waist high, but super clean.  I caught several and with the 9" L-Flex Narrow base fin the turns were on rail, dig-load-snap!!!  This is by far the best fin I have ever used in this board!

Marlon had a huge smile on his face - I'm glad we went out today (and that there was some swell to work with)!

There were a couple of guys on foils this evening.  It probably would have been a good day to try and SUP foil the Hypernut, but I am glad I opted to bring out the Everyday.  So much to do, so little time...

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Foil Session

Marlon and I went surfing Christmas Day evening - there is a small south swell pushing some energy - grab it while it is here (shorter drive than going up to the North Shore).

I took out the 5'6" and the kit foil (this is an old picture - I didn't take any pictures today).

I picked up several waves, but only rode a couple - prone foiling is way harder than windsurf wave foiling.... but you don't get better unless you practice.  Catching white water made standing up easier compared to greenwater waves.

Since the last session, I added another grip strip on the bottom and the board was easier to paddle inverted (on the way out and back in).  

Monday, December 24, 2018

Fish for Dinner

Noe wanted fried pompano for her birthday - so I got her some fried pompano.  But while doing that, I saw some mahi fillets and grabbed a few.  A little salt, a little pepper, some butter to fry them in and BAM!!!

So yummy!!!

Seamonkey Feet

Marlon took La out for a sail this afternoon (while Noe was on the Laser) - this seamonkey steers with his feet!  A sure sign of confidence!

I really like this picture!!!

It makes me really happy my kids are happy when they are sailing!!!

Happy 13th Birthday Noe!!!

Noe had the family out (sans Daddy-O who was asked to work part of a shift) for a sail on her birthday!!!  Lots of pictures so I'll let them do the talking...

Shhhhhh - 5th time out on the Hypernut (Fourth Time Windsurf Foiling it)

I had to pull a longer shift on Sunday at work - and I had a family Holiday Party to get to afterwards.  But with the wind blowing, I didn't want to miss out on an opportunity to continue developing my foil skills.  The wind was forecasted to hang right around 15 mph, but by the time I got to the launch, there were zero whitecaps - still some texture to the water surface, but it was probably closer to 10-12.  I decided to keep everything the same so I could see what difference the wind speed would make.  My findings were the 5.0 I rigged was marginal - most likely would have done better rigging a 5.7 (and will do that next time).  Despite the under powered situation, I did still manage to get up on the foil more than a few times and for longer consistent runs.  Several dry jibes (not on foil, but just lots of balancing to keep dry) and I was able to make it back to the launch.  I haven't had this much fun going straight in a long time!!!

And I made it to the party - but not without getting caught (La used Life360 to see where I was at)!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Next Up

I'm preparing to make the next hydrofoil.  This one will have bolt on wings so I can experiment.  Here I just finished measuring out the locations of where the holes will be drilled out for the plugs and reinforcements.

I'll also use the alignment dowels to make the upright strut assembly easier.  These are definitely better for surfing - the reef rubs are hardly noticeable compared to the Go Foils.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Break the Fast

It has been quite some time since Marlon and I have been surfing - perhaps 3 weeks...  Well - we went this afternoon and were greeted by tiny surf.

As a distraction, Marlon was checking out the peacock hanging out on the roof of one of the cabanas

We actually debated the merits of going out on a small day - but ultimately we were already there so we paddled out.  I caught three using the 5'6" I recently finished and the M200.  I caught three and stood up on each - but got thrown pretty quick - way too much lift.

The board paddles well.  I just need to add more of the deck grip as the balance point is further back than I thought it would be - 

Nice to get back in the water!!!  I think I'll bring this board and the foil I made tomorrow.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Teaching the Kids How to Windsurf

We had a free afternoon yesterday so we headed out for windsurfing lessons again (second time).  I had dug out the smallest sail I have - a 4.0 m2 Simmer Style X-Flex and rigged that up (mainly for Noe).

The wind was light (yes I did bring the hypernut and the Go Foil - but I figured it would best to focus on the kids), so we were able to focus on rigging, uphauling, and steering.  Marlon went out first -

Having a SUP out at the same time is handy for coaching and for switching out after we've drifted too far downwind.

Noe was next - since she is still light enough, I was able to stay onboard and walk her through the discussion points, instead of just talking about it.  Probably helps I've lost a few pounds ;)

We went back in I could get on the SUP and she could sail on her own.  Same drill after - swap boards - kid paddles in and I sail back upwind.  When we got back in, I had the kids practice uphauling and "drawing the sail across their body" to get into sailing position.  I probably should have started out doing that (and will do so next time).

So with the south swells pretty much done for this year, this (and foiling) has proven a great way to stay on the water.  Oh, and this truck... I can't say enough great things about this - seriously, three boards, a hydrofoil, a paddle and dry clothes for everyone - perfection!

A big MAHALO to La for taking pictures and being patient ;)

Friday, December 14, 2018

Fourth Time Out on the Hypernut

I brought the windsurf foiling setup to work today - I was hoping the wind would hold up and that I would get to sail/foil after work.  I was not disappointed!  It was blowing steady when I pulled up to the parking lot.  The anemometer was showing 15 to 17 mph average.  I rigged up the 5.0 and set the M200 forward in the box (as to only change one variable from the previous session).

I lifted a lot this session - and for longer durations.  I was trying to learn how to control the lift and not get thrown - it all started feeling more comfortable by the end of the session.  In total I was probably up and flying at least 12 runs.

The wind seemed to be more easterly today - the runs lined up better with the launch.  Honestly, with the foil in the board and with me getting more comfortable uphauling the 7'4" Hypernut, I'm not even worried about making it back to the launch point.  By the end of the session the wind had dropped into the single digits and I didn't have a problem sailing back in.

It was dusk by the time I got back in - I was having so much fun I didn't want to stop!  I'm totally stoked that I get to do this!!!

Use Protection

I finally found a use for all the old wetsuits I had taking up room in my garage!!!  Foil wing protectors!!!  With La's incredible sewing powers, and my vast intellect (and ginormous OCD) we were able to put this together last night.

Here's the Maliko 200 all covered up.  Now the foil can ride in the bed of the truck without shifting around or putting undue stress on the wings (SCRATCHES!!!)

I absolutely love it when La makes stuff for me!!!  Makes me feel special!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Lift Foils

I stopped in to chat with Keff at Flight Surfboards - he just got in some Lift Foils.

These are so nice - light, full carbon, wings come in a single piece with a connection to the mast.  So nice...

Shuttle Duty

I picked the kids up yesterday afternoon after their sailing class. 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Third Time Out on the Hypernut

I had the afternoon to myself (La and the kids went to a end of the season party for their sailing club) - so I went on a foiling jaunt.  The truck was made to do this ;)

The wind was supposed to be up, tradewinds - 15 to 25 mph from the NE.  I brought the 5.0 and 4.5 sails, and the Maliko 200.  All the foils are setup for plate mounting now.

The wind was blowing 15 mph with gusts past 20.  Then it would have a few lulls below 10.  I decided to rig the 5.0 with a looser outhaul (for more power when needed).  Foiling with larger wings that are spaced closer together is different than foiling with high speed foils (smaller wings spaced a lot further apart).  So instead of using large sails, I'm using smaller ones - but I'm trying to gage the sail size from my regular windsurfing experience - and knowingly dropping a couple of sail sizes.  The launch at Hickam Harbor is perfect.  You walk out to chest deep water, flip the board so the foil is down, hop up and uphaul.  At 106 liters, this Hypernut isn't exactly a high and dry floater, but I am getting used to balancing it while getting underway.  I made several runs and initially was worried about making it back to the the launch/landing site (there is nothing but rocks everywhere else) - but after a few  runs, I was pretty confident I could make it back  without issue - the foil mast and wings act like a huge fin providing lateral resistance to drift.  I still have to sail upwind and keep conscious of the line I'm sailing, but I think I can limp back to the starting point in low wind.  

Now for the good stuff - I got the foil to lift several times.  The first time I thought "whoa - I'm way up - this is really high off the water" and I proceeded to breach the foil to windward.  There are a lot of things going on all at once - pressure from my feet, the sail rig, where my weight is relative to the foil, position of the foil mounted on the board, and others I probably haven't thought of.  On subsequent runs I kept more front foot pressure and more pressure to the windward side of centerline, sheeting out more to reduce power and I was getting longer runs.  Of note, I also had the boom a hair too high up on the mast.

The thought I have running through my mind is what would happen if I have better control of the foil (exerting pressure to control the lift of the foil and not have to have it lift at random when I'm moving fast), can I further drop the sail size?  Especially since I've seen videos of people sailing in less wind with smaller sails (I just don't know how much those people weigh).  I'll keep a log of the sessions - equipment and weather conditions - and see if I can figure this out.

 The rigging spot has really nice grass.  There is a hose with good water pressure and drainage so I can rinse the gear (while it is also on grass - at a spot midway between the rigging spot and the launch).  And the walk is pretty short from the launch to the rigging spot.  I think I'll be sailing here a lot more than Kailua (closer to work and the house, way less crowded, less chance of the truck getting broken into, less work to setup-walk-launch-rinse-walk back).

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Second Time Out on the Hypernut

I took the Hypernut out to Kailua today.  Lots of kites piled up on the beach when we arrived (lull in the wind).

I wanted to test the stability of the board with the foil inserted.  It was pretty stable - I didn't have an issue paddling it around.  I felt that I could have paddled into a wave - which is good news (this board isn't too small for me at 189# - it isn't a no-brainer, but it is on the doable range of paddling.

So after paddling around a bit, I came in and put the sail on.  I used the Naish Boxer 5.8 and I had plenty of power - so much so that I was even water starting.  Uphauling this rig on this board was challenging, but it was doable.

I even got up on the foil a couple of times - this being the first time on the board with the foil, and the first time with the board and the foil and a sail, my foot placement wasn't quite right and the foil would get away from me.

The wind got weak on me and I figured it would be best if I headed in - I ended up downwind of where I started so I took a short walk of shame.  But that said, I am hopeful that I can get more practice under my belt and with the additional experience, this will all start to click.

Not bad for a first outing!!!  And it felt good to windsurf Kailua again after all these years.

All the photos were taken by La with her new DSLR camera ;)