Sunday, December 16, 2018

Teaching the Kids How to Windsurf

We had a free afternoon yesterday so we headed out for windsurfing lessons again (second time).  I had dug out the smallest sail I have - a 4.0 m2 Simmer Style X-Flex and rigged that up (mainly for Noe).

The wind was light (yes I did bring the hypernut and the Go Foil - but I figured it would best to focus on the kids), so we were able to focus on rigging, uphauling, and steering.  Marlon went out first -

Having a SUP out at the same time is handy for coaching and for switching out after we've drifted too far downwind.

Noe was next - since she is still light enough, I was able to stay onboard and walk her through the discussion points, instead of just talking about it.  Probably helps I've lost a few pounds ;)

We went back in I could get on the SUP and she could sail on her own.  Same drill after - swap boards - kid paddles in and I sail back upwind.  When we got back in, I had the kids practice uphauling and "drawing the sail across their body" to get into sailing position.  I probably should have started out doing that (and will do so next time).

So with the south swells pretty much done for this year, this (and foiling) has proven a great way to stay on the water.  Oh, and this truck... I can't say enough great things about this - seriously, three boards, a hydrofoil, a paddle and dry clothes for everyone - perfection!

A big MAHALO to La for taking pictures and being patient ;)

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