Saturday, February 1, 2020

Dawn Patrol - 2/1/2020

Some days are definitely better than others - this one was awesome from the get go.  Marlon and I hit the dawn patrol - there was some wind so the surface had a texture to it - minor, not super chop or anything like that.  The tide was around 1.2' on the morning high tide.  And lastly the swell... ah yes - the swell - just a hair bigger than yesterday but when we first got out it was pretty darn good.

With the lower tide, I brought out the 5'2" and the Iwa (on the 24.5" + 3" mast).  Now for the good part - Marlon and I took off on the same wave and while I was cruising on the foil, he was pulling a helicopter.  The shortly after that, Marlon was watching while I took off on an unbroken peaking wave and dropped along the breaking section - the foil was almost pegged (wings just under the surface), and I was standing straight up in perfect trim and the wave was still taller than I was!  Too bad we didn't have the Go Pros out...

I had a bunch of long rides on running walls, and Marlon had some really cool takeoffs - but then the waves kinda shutdown.  Take it when you can get it (and it is February - the south shore is supposed to be flat yet were getting epic rides!)!!!  Oh and to make a good day better, this gal was running around ;)

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