After the 120 sanding, there were enough low spots across the board and some holes around the fin boxes that all needed to be filled - so instead of proceeding to the 180 grit sanding, I put on another fill coat. 2.8 ounces of epoxy and cabosil to make a manageable slurry.
I wasn't able to get the center part of the top deck filled - but arguably it didn't need to - that section is pretty smooth with no divots.
I'll probably cut the leash plug hole and set the plug tonight - that way tomorrow is sanding day. I'll get everything smoothed out, place the logo decals on, and spray on a urethane coat. As this build keeps going on, I keep taking slight detours - but the destination is the same - STOKE CITY!!! Almost done with this one - then I'll turn my attention back to the 4'10" that is sitting on the right of the pictures.
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