Saturday, May 16, 2020

Evening Session - 5/15/2020

I got home at a decent time yesterday, but Marlon and Noe had already went to Sand Lots again. After taking care of a few errands, I headed out to Pine Trees (and saw the kids driving home).  The tide was medium height - about 0.7'.  For the first hour I was out, there was almost no wind (but the trades started to fill in towards the end).  The swell was a little bit bigger than Thursday - but the crowd was pretty thick.  I had the same setup I've been foiling with for the past several sessions - GL140, P18W with a washer on the rear, 24.5"+3" mast all mounted to the 4'10" board.

I caught less than normal - but they were really long rides.  I really like the swoopiness of the GL140 - it's not "sticky" and doesn't mind changing direction.  I can roll into a hard 180 turn without breaching a wingtip and I can adjust up and down the face while running along a wall.  It's not that I couldn't do that with the other wings, but I don't seem to think about breaching as much with this wing on.  That said, I would have had even longer rides if I had the GL180 (maybe next session - there is some maintenance I want to do on the GL140 anyways).  The washer added to the rear mount really made a difference in using this tail.  There is just enough lift to negate the nose down attitude of the board and it brings everything into balance.  Now that everything is dialed in - it's time to mix it up again!!!

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