Saturday, May 23, 2020

Evening Session - 5/23/2020

Marlon and I headed to Surfboard Factory Outlet to get a board sock for his shortboard.  It's always fun looking at the new boards they have over there.  After that we headed to Pine Trees to get a quick session in.  The tide was peaking at 1.9' (I should have used the 29.5" Mast + 3" track adaptor - but I was lazy and just used the same setup as the past couple of sessions - GL180, P18W, 24.5"+3" adaptor, 4'10" Foil Board).  The swell was at best stomach high.  The wind was onshore and rather stiff - it did chop up the water quite a bit.

It was also crowded.  I paddled further towards White Plains, but still on the Pine Trees side of the barriers - only a few people over there.  I caught a few, pumped back out on a couple and then called it so we could go eat some takeout sushi from our favorite sushi restaurant (that just opened back up for business - still takeout only).

Marlon had put his longboard away and had come back to the beach with his cell phone - he took these pictures from the beach.

I actually tried to pick up speed before shooting out the back of the wave so I could get the foil airborne.  I was nowhere near staying on board and sticking a landing - but you got to start somewhere.

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