Thursday, July 16, 2020

Evening Session - 7/16/2020

I pulled a solo session at WPB.  The wind was side onshore from the east - and it was blowing enough to make you think twice about paddling out, especially coupled with the waist high predominant swell (every now and then a stomach/chest high set would pull through).  The tide was dropping from a high of 2.0' - was probably near 1.0' while I was out.

I brought the same setup as last time - skinny 4'10", GL180 and the cut down P18W.  No breaching at all this time - and I got the same "gurgling" that I get out of the Armstrong CF1600/Uni 300 when the wings are just under the surface.

I started out in the break out in front of the two cabins, out at the second break.  I caught a bunch and got calibrated quick, but the rides were not long when compared to the waves at PTs.  I looked out at the third break and thought that I could probably pick up the wave as it peaked and keep on going as it fizzled out and keep going until it reforms on the second break.  I paddled out and caught four like that - from the steeper takeoff on the outside, riding the faded out wave for yards, picking up the reform and riding that for tons of yards more.  RIDICULOUS FUN!!!  Especially given the crappy conditions, I felt like I was on fire today!!!

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