Monday, July 6, 2020

Evening Session - 7/6/2020

Marlon and I went out to PTs - the tide was way up, the swell energy was backing down, and the wind had returned to trade flow.  There were four wingers out - but the wind was pretty light - I wasn't sure how they were able to keep aloft (but they looked relatively light weight).  I am interested in joining the trend - but I want to be an unpaid beta tester (which is what I was doing in the infancy of kiting).  I had the same setup as yesterday.

It was harder to catch waves today compared to yesterday.  My first few waves my front foot wasn't far enough forward and I breached.  I did catch several fun fast wall runs, with some turns (not as many as yesterday) - and those runs made it worth it.  I also had a few waves where I made the takeoff - but my front foot wasn't centered and I lost it. 

All-in-all this was a weird outing for me (although Marlon seemed to be catching almost everything he paddled for).  Probably going to take a break for the next couple of days to heal up all the cuts and scratches (or maybe I'll jump on the Viking...)

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