Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sunday Progress

I took a planer to the bottom deck to level out the high points (like the patched area where I knocked out a piece with the straight router bit, and another where the excess resin bubbled out from under the block).  Pretty harmless.  After that I marked the lines where the boxes needed to go and proceeded to cut.

I took my time getting things set up - having had messed up almost ever board before (nevermind I was able to salvage them all - I'm trying to get to the point where I make flawless cuts) I wanted to do this one correctly.  I shimmed the low end and made sure both ends were equally spaced.  Then I placed the box on top of the template and measured that distance.  With the top to bottom distance, I set up the router to make that deep of a cut.  After both cuts, I did notice one thing - I had flipped the shims and the slight height difference actually showed in the boxes when I had them set in place - so I still had to make a salvage (if ever so slight - I'll take this as a win!!!!).

I set the boxes and got them taped off.  I am still pondering/researching the glassing schedule... I've got to figure out what to put where - carbon sheets/tape, fiberglass (on top - one is easiest), and 2oz innegra.  The innegra is the new layer to consider.  Looking online, the innegra seems to be a bulletproof layer - but you can't sand it.  I'll get it figured out tomorrow (so I can keep this going) - bottom deck, then when that is cured flip and route out slots for dcell inserts (I keep thinking I should place imbedded footstrap inserts in - more control at some point and for jumping).  Or I could just use stick ons...

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