Monday, August 17, 2020

Wing Foiling Board Progress - Monday

I wanted to get some more work done on the wing foiling board - but I needed to get some errands done as well.  I mowed the lawn, pulled a bunch of weeds, helped La with the hedge trimming, and chipped off some of the old paint on the roof rack door latches (same as the rear set I did last month).  In between all that I did route out the slot for the handle I'm placing on the bottom of the wing foiling board, and set it in with epoxy (mixed with milled fibers).

It set nicely but as I was checking on it, it was exotherming pretty healthily.  I kept checking on it - and it didn't burn through - but the handle was pretty hot.

And after thinking about the glassing schedule and the footstrap inserts, I'm settling on no footstraps on this one and different layers on each side.  The bottom deck will get a carbon layer, topped with a layer of innegra, a carbon patch over the fin boxes, and all capped with fiberglass.  The innegra is supposed to be white, so I should cover up the carbon layer.  The top deck will get 2 layers of innegra and a cap sheet of fiberglass.  With the stringer in place, I shouldn't lose any energy as the bottom carbon will stiffen up the board.  I'm hopeful the innegra is as bulletproof as I've been reading - and that it isn't too hard to work with.

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