Saturday, September 19, 2020

Double Duty - 9/19/2020

Marlon and I dawn patrolled WPB this morning.  The new SSW swell arrived and was delivering solid chest to head high surf.  It was not as nice as the last swell.  There was a chop on the surface and it was really throwing me off - literally.  I could not stick a landing for my first several waves.  I also would be hauling at top speed and just drop out.  Not fun body slams.  I did eventually get some good ones - one was 348 feet and my top speed was 13.9 mph.  I am not sure what the issue was, but I've had better foiling sessions.

I saw Marlon drop into a few good sized rides early on.  I also saw Dennis on his new e-foil from Lift.  I actually tried to go winging today at Hickam.  When I left the house, it was blowing decently.  By the time I got to the beach, the wind had swung more North and died back significantly (it was clean enough to surf).  I also tried to go winging on Friday afternoon - caught a skunk then also.  This started to clog my chi flow.

I did a solo run to PTs in the evening (Marlon stayed back to study for his upcoming mid terms).  Similar conditions to this morning.  And I even botched up my first few waves to repeat that part of this morning as well.  I had switched out my tail wing from the 16" straight cut stab I had been using, to the new rounded edge 16" stab I recently got used (I also got a 12", but I didn't think it was the right conditions to test this one out).  I'm going to cut down the straight 16" stab to a rounded 14" and see what results I get from that.  Eventually I got my bearings and started getting long rides. 
Some days you win, some you lose.  I'd say I lost big today (but I'm still a winner - any days spent in the water is a win).

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