The wind forecast called for stronger easterly winds for today, but La wasn't feeling so well - so I headed home, picked up Noe, dropped her off at sailing practice and headed to Hickam Harbor with my winging gear. I didn't see straight east winds when I got there - in fact it was shifting around all over the place. By the time I got the wing pumped up, the wind settled out from the NE. It was straight out of the east for the entire day - then when I show up....
Anyways - go out and be thankful for what you have is what I try to say. I did make some adjustments to the gear before heading out. I shifted the foil up in the boxes by another 1/4". I also changed out the rear stabilizer for the chopped down 16". These adjustments were totally worth it - way less breaching today, and the couple of times I did breach, it was more like a fast lowering instead of a body slam. And the foil was more balanced and easier to get flying - like way easier than yesterday. I felt really confident on the setup today and even got close several times to a flying tack (just short touchdowns and right back up on foil). I think next time I'll push the foil up another 1/8" to see if the ride gets even better - I did pay attention to where my feet were - my back foot is forward of the arch bump on the back foot pad. I'm thinking with the foil a hair more forward, my back foot can go further back. We'll see. The wind did shut down after 4:30, and I eventually shlogged back to the launch - just in time to pick Noe up from sailing. Fun day!!!!
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