Saturday, January 30, 2021

Epoxying In The Reinforcement Blocks on the NWFB

La and I got home from running errands, but I wasn't feeling well.  I ended up taking a nap.  After I woke up, I still had daylight so I started routing out the reinforcement block slots.  I have a vacuum hose for this laminate trimmer - this operation is pretty clean.

And even though it was dark by the time I finished I started to mix epoxy to set the blocks in place.

I'm going to have to do a little sanding on the upper right front foot strap block - it had some epoxy push out - other than that it seems like everything ended up pretty flush.

I'll get the inserts traced out on top of the blocks tomorrow morning.  I should be able to get those routed out and the blocks epoxied in before lunch - going to tow Noe's boat to Hickam tomorrow so she can sail.  Once these inserts are in, I can go ahead and start laminating the board.  I may try to surf with Marlon in the evening tomorrow - so I'll likely just layout the bottom deck fabric.  If I laminate the bottom on Monday, grind the laps and laminate the top deck on Tuesday, that will have me placing the fill coat on Wednesday, and grinding/sanding/filling/sanding until it's done.  After tomorrow this will start to look like a more finished board.

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