The wind was supposed to be up today - not as strong as yesterday, but still steady above 20. Kalani and Harris both came out to WPB. I pumped up my Ensis 5.2 and brought out the same setup as yesterday.
On the way out through the surf, the wind caught my wing and forced it up against the rear stabilizer (the 232 which is actually pretty sharp). It poked through and actually left two holes (more on this in the next post). The wing is made of ripstop, so I figured I'd just keep going. It was totally worth it - today was even better than yesterday. The winds were lighter, but still more than enough to power up the 5.2. The waves were more lined up today. And with all the practice I've had lately, I was landing more jibes while up on foil. I was also riding toe-sided more frequently and for longer - it still was a little awkward because keeping balance, speed, power and control isn't there yet (not to mention the waves were not small).
We stayed out 2.5 hours and discussed foil setups and equipment afterwards - the benefits of using a Dakine Chameleon harness to mount the board leash, swivels to keep the wing leash from twisting, which rear stabilizers would work better (and not poke through the wings) - learning something new is awesome. Learning something that is better than one of the goals I had a long time ago but couldn't achieve (being a wave windsurfer) is epic!
This was easily one of the best days I've had on the water!
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