Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Anointing of Number 21 - the 4'8" Prone Foil Board

Dawn Patrol third day in a row.  After much debate, Marlon brought his longboard and I brought the new 4'8".

The swell was pretty the same as yesterday.  I had left the HS1250 on from yesterday's foil modification, but after looking at the surf I opted to put the CF1200 on.  I used the finger-balance method to get the mast position close.  I took the screw driver to the beach in case I needed to make adjustments.

I saw Marlon takeoff on a good wave - he stalled at the top and buried his nose.  I thought he was going to eat it for sure, but he got the nose up and started dropping.  Then he did it again - buried the nose and recovered.  

This board is pretty light - but has enough weight that I can still catch waves.  I rode three - taking the last one in to the beach.  I could feel I was pushing more with my back foot so I adjusted the mast forward a 1/4" and it was perfect.  I caught three more - and these confirmed the mast position.

A few of the waves were long - and I got some really fun turns in.

This was where the mast ended up.  Doesn't leave much room for the HA1125 - but we'll see.  This session got rid of the skunk for me - Kalani and Tim both said they still had the single wave session skunk on them.  I didn't catch any bombs today, but from the results this is definitely going to be a great board!

Number 21 has been properly anointed!!! 

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