Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Evening Session - 7/13/2021

I brought my winging stuff with me to work since the forecast called for decent/marginal winds in the afternoon.  Well - the network was chiming in and the sensors were reading blah conditions.  I stayed at work a hair later than normal to get more stuff done since I was calling the winging session.

I got home and swapped out boards and hit WPB to get a prone foiling session in.  I used the same setup as last time I went out prone foiling - the new 4'8", with the HS1532CS/chopped 300 on the A+ 60cm fuse and the 72cm mast.  Tide was nice and high (+1.9'), the wind was there and was enough to slow you down heading into it, but not too bad; and the swell was belly high - really fun conditions for the equipment I brought.

The first half of the session I did not touch a thing on the mast base - I wanted to see where the performance was based on this position.  I could sense there was a hair too much lift, and the angle of incidence was such that there was slight resistance in paddling and takeoff.  Finally I didn't botch any waves, but I had to make some correction to get flying straight from takeoff.

The second half of the session I went ahead and moved the foil back in the tracks - to just a hair past the original position I had it at (marked with small wax streaks).  I caught several more and I was double and triple dipping, and taking off with way less drama.  I'm going to mark this spot for the HS1532CS.

I came in and bumped into Eli and Dereck.  We talked foils for longer than I should have, but they've got good insight into what is coming out of Go Foil.

Next time, I'll bolt on the HS1420CS (chopped HS1550V1).


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