Sunday, July 25, 2021

Wing Foiling Session - 7/25/2021

I went winging with Roland today.  Wind seemed a touch lighter than yesterday, and for the most part the waves were a little smaller also (but also not really - I'll elaborate in a bit).  We were pumped up and out in the surf around 3:30 (the parking lot was a total zoo - might need to start going to Campgrounds again).  The tide was rising, but still not quite deep enough to pull away right at the beach.  I had to swim the rig out a decent ways to get to the wind line also.  Launching and landing are really the worst parts of foiling at WPB.

Even though most of the waves were smaller and the wind a hair lighter, a larger set would come in every 15 minutes or so.  I would jibe into the wave and get rides on open ocean swell starting to slow down and jack up.  The right wall that developed from these sets was amazing!  Overhead walls hundreds of feet long - and I would slide right along them... I'd say these were better than yesterday, and the scary thing is I rode these better than yesterday's waves.  I loves wing foiling at Firsts, but outside WPB is just at another level! 

The sharp pointed tacks (at the bottom of the image) are where I would switch my feet (changing tacks) and head in riding goofy foot.  I would ride the smaller waves (still chest high) while doing this and I'd hold my line (wouldn't lose ground to the wind).  The loops from jibing are harder to see, but those are the waves that I would jibe in to and ride regular footed (and get ridiculous speeds - at least they seemed fast, but the GPS says I was getting over 15kt, maxed out at 15.9kt).

Again this Kalaeloa meter seems a little low - I think it 15 hitting 25 on the gusts.  The 5.2 kept me powered, but it was definitely lighter than yesterday.

I was able to crank upwind on my last couple of runs and was able to get back to Fenceline to land.  The other guys (Derek, Eli, Brian, and another guy I didn't know) all launched from Campgrounds.  I'm going to have to check that out when I come back on the weekends. 

What a weekend!!!!  Probably the best winging sessions I've had yet!!!

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