Yesterday the wind materialized and it drew Roland, Kalani and I out for a session at WPB. Marlon came with and used his new GoPro to take the pictures. By the time I got there, the wind had lightened up - but we still went out. I had the Ensis 6.0 - first time since I blew out the strut bladder a few weekends back. I did use the Arvo pump - same one that I was using when the strut bladder blew, but no drama this time and I set up the board and got geared up while the wing filled up. Bolted on the HS1850 - didn't want to chance not getting back.
This was about as low a wind as I could go out it. In almost all the runs, I had to pump to get up on foil. The pictures make the water look glassy, but there was some texture to it.
Roland was out on his 4.5 - he's gotten really good since the first time I saw him out at WPB on his 4.0 Wasp.
I didn't bring my watch so no data on this session.
Even though the Kalaeloa sensor reads the airport and not the beach, the chart shows relatively what was going on. By my count, this was the 97th winging session I've had. I think I'm going to stop pulling the wind data since I can tell what equipment I need to set up now based on what the signs are - water texture, trees blowing, and clouds. We'll see - kinda hard to stop something that's been going on for a while (like this blog) - but it would save some time.
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