After work winging session today. There were a bunch of setup up when I got to the beach - Mark, Harris, Arvin, Roland and myself - Prayot had already been out for a couple of hours and he was walking around heckling everybody. Wind looked like it had a bunch of holes in it. I originally setup the HS1850/chopped 300 on the 85cm mast (newly drilled out to A+). I also reset the harness line and tightened up my harness. And I took the leash off the belt and connected it to the back of the harness. So lots of small changes - trying to improve on yesterday's runs. I also pumped up the 5.2 (was hoping for 4.5 conditions, but those passed earlier).
I made sure the gear was good by doing a shakedown run on the inside. The harness line was still a little long (I actually spent the whole session trying to tweak it), but it did help with my left arm's tendonitis. I saw Harris and Mark on the outside and the waves were macking - so off I went. Overhead on the sets - and the sets I caught one of my first rides by jibing onto it and immediately luffed the wing and rode the wave on foil alone. I caught several more, but mostly going goofy and with the wing over my head. Mark got pummeled on one wave and his wing exploded. The wind was pretty full of holes, so I told Harris I was heading to play on the inside.
I got several runs in and the wind strength kept building - I went in and swapped out the HS1850 for the HS1250. Also set the mast further forward in the tracks.
This foil is obviously faster than the HS1850 - and you can see the difference in speed in the charts below.
Plenty of wind in the gusts. Here is the first run - got in just over 10nm in an hour and 20 minutes.
GPS says I got to 14kts. I was up on foil more than on the water (at least thats what it felt like). The big lulls here are me sitting on the board tweaking the harness lines.
This was the second run with the HS1250. I was drag racing Roland a lot on this session.
These down periods were a mix of tweaking the harness lines and lack of wind. On this run I got 7.86nm in an hour and my top speed was 17 kts.
Super fun day!!! More to come over the next several days (as the wind is only supposed to get stronger).
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