Saturday, August 7, 2021

Wing Foiling Session - 8/6/2021

The wind was blowing pretty good for most of the day yesterday.  I had not planned on going winging, but all the trees moving drew me out.  By the time I got to the beach, the wind had backed off a little bit.  I was hoping to have enough wind to use the 3.6 - but I think I was lucky to have enough to put up the 5.2.  My watch battery needed to be charged so no data for this session.  But the waves were mostly small, and because of the high tide they weren't really breaking either - so no real loss.

Definitely bigger wing conditions.

The HS1550v1 has been my go to lately.  I tried jumping a few times on the outside - I need to correct something in my timing - I'm not getting the tail out of the water.  My tendinitis in my left upper forearm doesn't get helped when the wind is lighter and I have to use bigger wings.  The break was full of wingers - Derek, Brian, Josh, Kalani, Roland, Paul, Daniel, Mark and me - that's the most wingers I've seen out all at once over here.  Other than that - this session was mainly just going back and forth and riding waves back goofy footed.

Kalani seemed to have gone in early - and this was why - his front handle stitches popped.  Hopefully he brings it to Brenda to get both handles tightened up.

Saturday (today as I write this) is supposed to be the last day with wind for a while - I think I'm actually looking forward to prone surf foiling for a little bit - this has been a fantastic run of really good wind - but I need to give my arm a break to let the tendon heal up.

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