Sunday, September 19, 2021

Wing Foiling Session - 9/18/2021

Ran errands in the morning with the kids - all the time waiting for the forecasted wind to pick up in intensity.  Finally got setup (HS1550v1, Ensis 5.2) and launched around 1pm.  PERFECT CONDITIONS!!!  Strong, steady Easterlies, S-SSW swell - not to big, not too small and a nice full tide!

Marlon also came out with his drone - he got some good video of Roland and I foiling up and down the break.

This is Roland - its hard to tell the difference between our wings, but I was on a 5.2 and he was on a 4.5

I got in 23 miles in 2 hours.  There were some awesome waves that came through every now and then - slingshooting on the waves, dropping in to the standup pit and riding with the wing depowered - this is the pinnacle of foiling for me!!!

Good wind nearly the whole session.  I think I could have gotten away with using the 4.5 - but I wanted to test this wing also (like I tested the 6.0) - repairs all good!!!

The spikes in speed touching 20mph were on the drops - moving that fast on a foil is super exciting.

I was up on foil for the majority of the session - you can count the times I came down - mainly wipeouts, a couple of times to rest my right leg (after jibing multiple times to ride waves and head back out), and once when the wind backed down.

Epic session!!!

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