Saturday, September 4, 2021

Wing Foiling Session - 9/4/2021

Today the forecasts called for one last windy session.  Underground Weather said 11am to 2pm was the peak. said it was to be from 1pm to 5pm.  I picked up Roland at the NEX Mall parking lot and was at Hickam Harbor around 12.  The wind was swinging from the NE

I wanted to experiment with the HA925.  I moved the mast up more by flipping the front washers.  I also swapped out the chopped 300 rear stabilizer for the 232V2 (still with the +1.5 degree shims for a net +0.5 adjustment).

This is the fastest foil I have been on.  With the 5.2m I would normally have been overpowered in these conditions - but with such a small/high aspect foil, the 5.2 was a good call.

I stayed inside for the whole session.  I got in over 12 miles - going straight was challenging, both from the wind shifting and gusting, and from the nimbleness of the front foil.  By the end of the session I was starting to feel comfortable with the squirrelliness.

Decent wind, just shifty and gusty.  You can see the schlogging I was doing in between full throttle sessions.  The biggest issue was the wind shifting direction in the middle of the harbor - it would knock me down every time. 

Max recorded speed was 19.6mph - although I thought I was going faster than that by a long shot.  I had a few runs where I'd line up with another winger ahead of me, then I'd just put the pedal down - I'd end up catching them and still pull ahead.  Transitions were hard - too much speed coming in to the turns made for a bunch of botched tacks and jibes.  I did get several in, but I was batting less than 50 for sure.

All said, this front foil is awesome!!!  It is going to take some work to get used to it, but I can tell it is going to be an incredible ride!

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