Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Wing Foiling Session - 10/6/2021

Today was a testing day.  Two different friends loaned me their Takuma Kujira front foils.  The first foil is Marvin's Takuma Kujira 980.  The second is Prayot's Takuma Kujira 1210.  The third is my GoFoil GL140 and the last is my GoFoil NL160 (which lately has been my go to since I left Armstrong - before that was the HS1550v1 for its carving ability).  Looking at the picture - you can see there isn't much difference - but the chord is shorter on the Kojiras.

First up - the GL140 on the 32.5" mast.  This is the first time I've used this foil on the wing.  I've used it to ride some of the biggest waves I've paddled in to - but never winged on it (I always had it in my head that this was too small - little did I know!!!).

No shortage of wind - it was really good today!

This being a smaller front foil, did take a little bit more power in the wing and pumping to get it to lift.  But once it did, this foil proved the be another foil that liked to be up and in motion (like the NL160).  Tacks and jibes were executable.  I think I need a smaller rear stabilizer (note for next time).  Fun setup!

A lot of solid blue - echoing the statement that I was up on foil continuously.  I got to 19.3 mph without an assist from the waves (I stayed in to test).

Next up - Marvin's Takuma Kujira 980 on his carbon mast.

Looking at the center of lift on the front foil, and knowing the relative surface area - I figured just short of the front of the boxes was a good spot to try.  It actually was spot on!

In a nutshell, this is the fastest (I think - maybe the HA925 was slightly faster), most worry free, gliding, turning front foil that I have ever used - EVER!!!

I got a bunch of speed runs in and this foil was nothing short of incredible.  I had to pull back a little because the carbon mast is a total of 30" tall (I did not want to breach today while going fast).  Knowing that, there is still more speed to be milked from this foil...

I actually even started pulling toe side tacks on the inside - I got three and the last one was tight and almost executed without a touch down.  I forgot to mention that yesterday I got two toe side tack on the inside (I don't need to switch before the turn on the outbound legs).  

There was still a lot of solid blue - but the 980 didn't take the lulls as well as the GoFoil did.  Pretty sure the chord is driving the glide (and the rake on the tips is driving the turnability; and the thickness dictates timing of lift; and the span relates to the speed - so many variables, so much more experimenting!).

Now I just need the Takuma adapter for my Project Cedrus mast (so I can run the 1210 on a longer mast...).

Tomorrow through next week, the wind only gets stronger everyday - 

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