Saturday, October 9, 2021

Wing Foiling Session - 10/9/2021

 Today was flat out nuking!  Marlon and I checked out WPB first thing - nuking!!!  I wanted to wait a bit to go out since the wind was forecasted to come up even more.  So between the surf check at dawn, and my going out at Hickam, I mowed the lawn, took the kids to recycle the cans and bottles, and did a little ironing.  By the time I got to Hickam, there was some heavy wind coming through - victory at sea conditions for sure.

You can see from the chart that there were some gusts touching 40.  These nuking winds days are rare to begin with - but to have an overhead swell pushing through - that is a rare day indeed.

I pumped up the Reedin 3.6 and used the Kujira 980 again.  The Kujira did not disappoint.

On way way out to the break, I noticed the waves were breaking pretty hard.  I tripped on one headed out and got whacked around by the remainder of the set - not as bad a beating as yesterday, but it really would have sucked if any of my equipment got trashed all the way out there.

I caught several waves, but none of the big bombers coming through - wrong place, wrong time in most cases.  My right knee was starting to disagree with me, so I headed in to the flat water so I could practice my transitions.  I got in a few toe-side tacks on the inside.  These are just direction changes right now - I have not been flying out of these transitions like I have been on my heelside tack.  I even pulled a couple of short downwinders.


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