After work session at Hickam. Wind was light - some texture on the water, but not much. I set up the WWFB with the Kujira 1440 and pumped up the RS 6.1 - perfect for today's conditions!
Harris and Jim were out at Firsts by the time I got down to the launch. I made a beeline out there and caught a few waves. The 1440 rides well in smaller waves - didn't over lift and still turned well for its size.
There were a few lulls - I touched down on one near the tip of the breakwater - and I foiled through a second one - I was pointed in so I just kept on going (until I picked up a gust on the inside). From this point, I went on a tacking spree - I nailed every toe-heel tack and followed them up with heel-toe-switch tack on the outside! All of them were up on foil!!! I basically made sure i had plenty of speed, leaned into the turn and shifted the wing over to the other tack. The glide from the 1440 helped a lot. Super big milestone today!!!
Looking at the wind strength graph, this looks like I could have actually used the Reedin SWX 5.2 - but the conditions on the water seemed much lighter than what is shown on the graph.
My watch wasn't charging in the truck so no track plots today. Comparing the RS 6.1 to the wings that Jim and Harris had up (Alien 6.0 and SlingWing V3 5.0) - I was up and riding way more than they were - but I did have the 1440 bolted on also (which didn't loosen up at all). On the beach, I put Jim's Alien 6.0 above the RS - the RS was slightly bigger.
The chatter was the forecast for stronger winds tomorrow... we'll see - I actually don't mind lighter winds now.
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