I've been slowly working on this board over the past several days. Yesterday I got the top laminate on. It is a full nose to tail layer of innegra over a patch that covers the areas where my feet could possibly end up, on top of smaller patches where my heels will likely go.
I used about half of the blue pigment (in the little jar) along with 28.7 ounces of epoxy.
It cured pretty quickly in the afternoon heat.
Today I got the handle installed (since it is not load bearing, I used gorilla glue (like on No.24). Then I lined up a strip of carbon along the spine where I'll likely land, and it'll also stiffen the centerline. I cut out the area on top of the handle, then placed a nose to tail layer of carbon.
I trimmed the excess off, and cut in the laps. I opened up the handle area and the slots on the tracks.
I cut the lap edge short of the top deck so the rail tape can be used to clean this up.
I did not place the epoxy, because I need to sand a few rough spots down - and I don't want to be rushed. I'll likely get the sanding done tomorrow while the sun is up - then I'll pour the epoxy in the evening once the temperature starts to fall.
That'll mean the rail tape will get epoxied on on Saturday evening.
Labels and fill coat are on Sunday - and maybe the leash plug and vent.
That'll make Monday the final fill day and Tuesday the final sanding day.
Once it's all done, I'll let it rest for a few days, so that'll make the anointment likely on for next weekend.
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