Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 1/10/2023

The wind was not supposed to be up today - but it seems as if the VOG layer trapped a lot of heat and it popped the bubble and a thermal flow developed - but from the West...

I could see the wind in the trees all along my way home.  I took a chance and figured the wind would still be up over at WPB.  I went ahead and setup the WWFB/PC85/1210/178 while I was still at home.

When I got to the beach at 4pm, I could see a lot of texture in the water outside the break and it was coming from almost straight west - dream scenario for regular footed individuals.  When I had finally paddled my way to the wind line, The 5.1 I pumped up was enough wing to get going.

I felt wobbly while I was out - I had doubts that I had not tightened the front foil bolts enough for them to seat properly - but I attributed the feeling to my being rusty.  Well - I wasn't rusty.

The wind was a little fluky.  It would start out in channels, then the whole field would open up.  Then the direction would shift - from side off to side and even side on.  All this made for challenging conditions - you never knew if you were going to drop off foil and get stuck.  I actually was drifting down wind for the first few runs.  When the wind picked up I was able to pull upwind and get above the cabins (and not worry about having to land in front of rocks to the east of Fenceline. 

I only stayed out for 45 minutes.  With the twitchiness of the front foil I decided to go in while to going was good.  Brian was out there before me, and he stayed out well after I got out.

You can see the forecasted wind strength - sub 10 mph.

I'm glad I got this session in.  When I got home I removed the old shim material from the fuselage I was using, as well as from the inside of the front foil mounting section.  I fitted on new shim material - this time Gorilla Clear Tape instead of the aluminum duct tape.

I also got ready for tomorrow - wind should be up and I want to see if the F One Eagle 1090 is still singing under wing power.

Fun first wing session of the year!!!


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