Sunday, February 12, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 2/12/2023

Instead of a dawn patrol again, I slept in and waited for the wind to come up mid-morning at WPB (like it did yesterday).

I used the same board/foil as yesterday, but dropped the wing down to the SW2 4.2 - perfect setup!!!

The wind was still really strong.  The waves did come down a notch, but every now and then a head high set would come through.

I forgot to mention this yesterday, but there was a booby bird flying around that was really interested in the wing - it was back again today.  Really neat to see that.

The wind direction was pretty much side shore - so I could ride a wave from one side of WPB all the way to the other side.

This was perfect 4.2 winds

Two hours and 21.7 miles later, I headed in (so I didn't get hurt from being too tired).

Strong trades will persist through tomorrow - but the direct swings more northerly as the week goes on (and goes variable later).  I'll probably have one more day of winging before this event ends.


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