I got a late start on the dawn patrol this morning - we're picking up a 3rd car today so I needed to continue transforming the garage from my workshop back into a garage.
The wind was on the waves by the time I got there - but it appeared manageable. The tide was low and dropping more - but with a good swell in the ocean, I was able to paddle out further to get to deeper water.
And this session I got to anoint No.31!!! I really wanted this to go well - and quite frankly my expectations were blown out of the water!!!
I took an educated guess at the mast base positioning, bolted on the Progression 170, and placed a final coat of wax on the board.
I'll say this up front - this is the absolute best board-foil combo I have ever surf foiled!
My first wave I took a steep drop, made the bottom, carved up and down the line going left, then kicked out and picked up a double. On another wave I cranked out two 360 turns on back to back pickups. On yet another wave, I made the hardest snap turn off the lip that I've ever made.
The ergonomics of No.31 are significant. I paid a lot of attention to rear foot deck pad placement (to take advantage of the kick), and the volume placement was spot on - beneficial for paddling and thinned out heading out the back. And the rocker - speed generating and bouncy for the rebounds.
I already marked this - sometimes everything just comes together. I can tell this board just became my daily driver.
I can honestly say this was the single best prone foiling session I have ever had -
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