I took the Progression 140 out for a test run this afternoon. When you put the 170 and the 140 up together, there isn't an obvious difference.
I caught a bunch of waves - and the 140 is faster than the 170 (duh), it has almost as much glide as the 170 (surprising), and it turns harder than the 170 (no surprise). I really like this foil. The waves and the wind driven turbulence made riding challenging. I did not get a recycling program going today - not sure if that is a foil problem, an environmental conditions issue, or a Vic issue. The waves had a bit of pitch to them today - made takeoffs a big gamble - either you made a glorious drop and bottom turn, or you got chewed up and spit out.
The waves got even finnickier as the session went on - my whole last hour was waiting, and then missing for waves with pitching lips. Even though there were some down points, this was a great first session with the Progression 140.
Here is where the mast ended up. I had moved it 3x while I was out - I'm pretty sure this is optimized, but more testing is needed.
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