Monday, July 3, 2023

Evening Session - 7/3/2023

This is what the surf looked like when Roland and I got to the parking lot.  There were waves breaking in the waist high range and the wind was just shy of being wingable.  The tide was super high - so I let Roland check out the Progression 140.

I took out what I thought would make the most of smaller, waist high and less waves - Progression 170, my flex rear stabilizer, the 68(72)cm Project Cedrus mast and my higher volume 4'8".

Well - after 30 minutes of catching the waist high waves and getting my paddle-in prone bearings again, the waves doubled in size.  That mixed with the uber high tide backwash made for some really challenging conditions (which makes things more fun).

I was probably pushing the limits of takeoff with the P170 once the waves picked up - but that made for some epic drops!!!

It took Roland a few waves to get adjusted to the Progression 140 - but he liked it so much he is buying off me (like he said he would when I bought it off Craigslist for him).

Tomorrow is America's birthday - for all our faults, there is still no place like it - take some time to appreciate our freedom, our liberty, and our collective way of life - and strive to make us better, more compassionate, and the best foilers in the universe!!!


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