Saturday, August 12, 2023

Dawn Patrol - 8/12/2023

Dawn Patrol conditions were good this morning.  Decent sized swell running - you had to wait a little, but when the sets came in they were head high (while I was on foil).  The wind would eventually come up, but the for the first hour it was really light.  If the tide were a touch lower, more wave would have broken on the outside - but overall the session was really good!

I have been wanting to test more of the different foils that I have - today the Vyper 170 was bolted on.  It performed the way I thought it would - great roll when I wanted to bank off a shoulder, not so great pump back out, predictable lift on takeoff.

I had several really good waves - the foil just wants to flow.  I think I can drop a size on the stabilizer and that may help to regain some speed and carry during a recycle attempt.

I also noticed I needed more throttle on takeoff attempts - less surface area on the foil means less lift generated for a given speed compared to the larger foils I've used.  Basically I get up faster on the HPS980 and that foil being larger can provide more carry - and I can get takeoff using less battery power (which means I can stay out longer).

If you look at the picture above, you can see that Unifoil positioned the mast pocket closer to the front foil (as compared to the standard Axis mast positioning) - that means I needed to push the mast more forward using this foil.  I adjusted it once while I was out today and here is where it ended up (pretty much as far forward as it could go in the boxes).

Great session today!!!

Tomorrow the surf is forecasted to be slightly bigger - I'll either bolt on the 980/375, or use the Vyper 170 again but change the stab to the Kujira 218....


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