Sunday, August 6, 2023

Dawn Patrol - 8/6/2023

Dawn patrol had a surprise - larger than expected surf!!!  The wind had been on it a little bit throughout the night, and knowing this is probably being influenced somewhat by Hurricane Dora, the texture was not a surprise.  Tide was a medium high.  Great conditions for Foil Drive foiling!!!

The experimenting continues - this morning the subject was the Kujira 1095.  Actually, I had thought it was going to be smaller than yesterday - that's why I brought the 1095 - but I think today's testing would have been more appropriate for the 980...

Weekend dawn patrol foil crew


Perfect placement - well balanced and progressive lift from this setting.

This foil takes off nicely, is really fast, has plenty of lift and pumps through flats easily.  It does not roll easy (not a surprise).  The HPS 980 carves the best out of the foils I've used for FD so far.

I caught several incredibly long waves today - picking them up way outside Middles (I think this is 5-Os) and riding them pretty much to where the prone foilers were trying to takeoff.

Tomorrow starts a run of really strong wind - this testing will have to be put on the back burner until next weekend.  I'd like to test out the Kujira 980, the Vyper 170, HPS 700 as conditions allow.  I'm really not interested in purchasing any new front foils - but depending on this testing, the Spitfire 900, the SK8 950 and Hyper 170 are on the desired testing list.


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