Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Evening Session - 9/12/2023

I had hopes the wind would be up like yesterday - but while driving home the signs were not indicative of good winging winds.  Playing it safe, I got in a late afternoon prone foiling session.  

Marlon flew his drone for a bit, then longboarded.

Decent high tide at 1.9', winds at winging strength - then dropping off - then picking back up (glad I didn't setup the winging gear), and a decent fun sized swell.

It has actually been a little bit since I have been out on prone gear - I set up the low energy equipment (P170, 14.875" flex rear stab, shortest Project Cedrus mast I have).

I did better than I thought I was going to considering the gap between prone sessions - but just like riding a bike...

It feels really good to turn with this setup!!!

I caught a couple of handful of waves and called it good.

Roland and Prayot were out winging (and floating).  Gary had his wing out when I first got to the beach, but ended up SUP foiling.  And Marvin was out on the prone foiling gear.

Fun session (but I am feeling kinda tired - might take a break tomorrow).


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