Saturday, September 2, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 9/2/2023

Winged Hickam today with Jim, Kalani, Bill, Arvin, Tim and a few others.

I originally went out on the Eagle 1090 (light wind combo) - and Kalani saw a Spitfire in Jim's Element.  He asked Jim if he could try and Jim said yes. 

Big wings today - there were some good gusts, but for the most part the big wings were good (although Jim went in and downsized to his 5m).

My first session -

I was knocking out tacks both ways easy (Eagle 1090!).  Jim headed out so I followed him.

Awesome session outside - on the sets the waves were well overhead.  I tacked on to a bunch of peaking waves - SO MUCH FUN!

Decent top speed.  Then Kalani asked if I wanted to try out the Spitfire...

We headed in and we swapped foils.

At 1006 cm^2 this foil was surprisingly supportive (plenty of lift).  It turns like the Vyper - and it is super fast.

I caught tons of waves at Firsts - and I was doing things on this foil that I hadn't even conceived of before - this foil is so maneuverable!

Peak speed was reached multiple times -

I'm going to have to rethink my foil choices...


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