Monday, September 25, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 9/25/2023

The wind was decent this afternoon.  With the high (but dropping) tide and a lully Tasman Sea born swell pushing through, this was a really fun session!

I opted to use No.25 today - but from using No.32 a lot recently, I did not think I would have the adjustment to get the Spitfires over to where they needed to be.  So to mix it up, I used the ART 999 mounted on the Advance + Crazy Short fuselage.

And the verdict is the Advance + fuselage really loosens up the characteristics of the ART 999.

Definitely had the mast pegged forward -

I had to paddle pretty far out to get to the wind line.  Once I was outside, getting up on the new setup was actually kind of easy.

The set waves were stupendous when they came through - over head (while up on foil) and a couple of them just kept churning down the line!!!

I've been trying to get in more toe-heel tacks - and I got one under duress today (the left had a pitching lip, so I exited right and had to tack to clear the wave).

I also caught a few waves by tacking on to them - epic!  I did botch more than I made - the ART 999 took some getting used to in this less stable mode. 

You can see the wind shifts on the image above and the chart below.

High speed was probably from one of the bigger waves.

I did trip quite a bit today - the ART999 felt totally different today - but it was super fun getting to feel a different flow from this foil!


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