Sunday, November 26, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 11/26/2023

The plan for this morning based on the forecast yesterday was to wing at WPB around 9am.  I woke up early (like normal) and checked the forecast - it had fallen apart and the wind was forecasted to stay at marginal levels - except at Kailua.  The forecast called for wingable winds for the early morning - I packed up and headed over.

I used the SW2 5.2, No.25 and the F One Eagle 1090/DW210.

The wind was marginal - and I actually had to reset (small walk of shame back to the launch) before I got up on foil.  Once up, I was able to stay up for quite some time.

Not a bad run considering the cloudy conditions and light winds. 

ENE direction - it actually felt onshore when launching - but on foil the wind seemed to bend to its normal direction.  The waves were small - and you had to be at the right place at the right time to get a section.  I got to whack a peak on almost every run so I'd say it was a good session...

Then came the knock down - I tripped a jibe and it took a while to get back up.  By this time the wind had gotten lighter and I figured it was time to cut my losses.

There were several guys out on F One Strike CWC 7s and 8s.  I think if I had the North Mode Pro I could have stayed out longer.  


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