Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Garage Works - 1/3/2024

I skipped surfing (or even possibly winging) today to spend some time in the garage.  First I loaded the truck with some stuff to take to the Ewa Convenience Center.  

Then I tried to develop a method to more accurately place the mast track boxes.  I measured the spacing from the tail of the boards that have good positions (centering the foils I use the most), then ran some ratios against the board's length overall.

Not surprisingly, the longer boards had a higher percentage (center of box to the tail, compared to the loa), and the short board (No.32) had the lowest percentage.

For No.34, I plan on using the Chinook 16" boxes.  This first picture had the track boxes set further back. 

And this picture has the boxes further forward.

Since these tracks offer more adjustability over the Futures 10.75", I have some margin of error I can lean on.

I set up a spreadsheet that tabulated the intervals between the two boards I have tuned in nicely.

Looking at this table, No.34 at 6' (72") - should have the center of the boxes at the 21" mark (up from the tail).

I ordered a set of 16" tracks already set in a block of divynicell.  Before that arrives, I'm going to try and get this board shaped, the locations of the inserts marked up, the center hole (digging out the EPS where the d-cell block goes and replacing it with polyurethane blocks) worked, and then I'll have figured out if Gorilla Glue is the same/worse/better than using epoxy to set the reinforcement blocks.

I've got some scrap pieces of EPS, D-cell and polyurethane.  I'll glue them up and see what the bond looks like.

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