Saturday, January 27, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 1/27/2024

The wind was forecasted to come up to brisk levels from the SW starting around noon.  It was actually blowing at wingable strength from early in the morning.

I picked up Roland and we headed to Hickam to meet up with Prayot (Kalani was on a plane with his family for a trip to Vegas).

When we got to the beach around noon, Arvin was out and he was coming in to switch out to a larger wing.  I took that que and pumped up the SW2 4.7 (it was still blowing hard - just from the SW and that has different flow patterns - usually stronger on the outside). 

I got in two separate runs.

The first was to try winging with the AFS Silk 850.

I set the mast forward of where I would have had the Spitfire 840 (with the Advance + Crazy Short fuselage).  And I actually didn't have to adjust it.

Getting started was a bit tough - I hadn't winged at Hickam for a while and certainly not during these SW wind runs that we've been having - so figuring out the lines took a little bit initially.

After I got up on foil, the Silk 850 was just like its name - smooth, plenty of lift and rips turns hard.  Looking at the track below, there was a lot of consistency in it as well.

I threw in a heel-toe tack in (one of the first since the SW wind run begun - I've been reluctant to do these because everything looks backwards and I didn't want to have to deal with getting back up in breaking swell).  The tack is the furthest out to the left of the image.

I headed out to Firsts to see what the Silk could do.  Super fun turns in pretty chaotic conditions - and the pattern was pretty tight.

I didn't want to hog that foil so I headed back in and swapped out to the Spitfire 960/375P and the Cedrus Wind mast.

This setup was perfect for the conditions out at First.  With the length in this mast (87.5cm + 4cm) I didn't have to worry about breaching.  And the design criteria held up again - no ventilation.  

Even though it doesn't look like it, there was some consistency in the Firsts runs also.  The wobbles in the tracks are me surfing the non-breaking wind swells.

I caught tons of waves and with the Spitfire 960 I was destroying them!  The Silk, the SK8, the Kujira 980 - the all surf really well and they are great foils in their own right - but the Spitfire is the most visceral surfing foil for winging in waves that I have used to date.  Turning this foil is just too much fun!!!

I have some errands to run tomorrow - but I'll try to get a session in.  Winds should be good again.


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